
About Us
JtS Consultants is a faith-based company that specializes in grant development, grant training, program evaluation, and motivational speaking engagements that meet the high demands of our clients. Our mission is to serve as a " Catalyst of Change" that empowers the educational, social, and economic growth of rural and urban communities. We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service to faith-based organizations, for profit and non-profit organizations, schools & institutions of higher education.

Jonathan T. Smalls, Ph.D
Founder & CEO, Sr. Consultant
Dr. Jonathan T. Smalls is a native of Bamberg- Orange Grove Community, South Carolina. Dr. Smalls is a grant writer, researcher, evaluator, strategic planner, educator, and author. He has garnered more than $25 million in grant funds to promote equity among marginalized and underrepresented populations. Dr. Smalls served as the Grant Administrator for Denmark Technical College in Denmark, South Carolina. He also was a Professor of Religious Studies at Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Smalls served as a Research and Grant Award Specialist, professor, and Director of the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina. He currently is the Associate Vice Provost of Research at Claflin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Dr. Smalls offers a proven track record of impeccable performance in research, grant development and administration, strategic planning, and education. He has extensive experience in government grants sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, and Department of Energy. He is the author of Real Men Wear PINK.
Dr. Smalls has a passion for research, proposal development, education, and community development. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion and Philosophy from Benedict College in Columbia, SC and Master’s Degree in Religious Education from Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Smalls earned an Executive Ph.D. in Urban Higher Education Administration from Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi. His experience includes but is not limited to the following:
Grant Development
Grant Training
Program Evaluation and Assessment
Higher Education Consultant
Institutional Effectiveness
Workforce Development
Curriculum Development/Enhancement
Student Support Services
Accreditation and Reaffirmation
Strategic Planning
To See Dr. Smalls Resume, Click Here.